Social media and SEO. A match made in heaven

Social media and SEO. A match made in heaven

Posted on March 22, 2013 by William Ruzvidzo

Social media or SEO? Which of the two is best for your business? The answer is both. To get the most out of your online marketing efforts, you need a social media and SEO strategy that go hand in hand. It’s a match made in heaven.

However, a lot of companies don’t seem to realize this. I’ve lost count of the many websites and blogs I’ve seen that have pages stuffed with keywords in a blatant SEO attempt to drive traffic to a website. The problem with this tactic is that it undermines great content.

Another mistake I’ve seen, is when companies buy too much into the social media hype and rely on it solely for their marketing. You need both social media and SEO for a successful online marketing strategy.

I recently came across this excellent video below from MDG advertising which looks at the pros and cons of SEO and social media and why a partnership between the two, results in a win win situation.

William Ruzvidzo is a Social Media Strategist and Content Manager at 88 Creative. Find him on Twitter @william_ruz and at .

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