Toronto |

Kickstarter is coming to Canada: here’s how to not screw it up

kickstarter So, Kickstarter is launching in Canada September 9th, but potential entrepreneurs can get the jump start on creating their kickstarter campaigns now. This gives entrepreneurs and startups a massive platform to acquire initial funds and build an active community of evangelists really quickly.


Do You Know Toronto?

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Hogtown. TDot. The 416. The Big Smoke.

Toronto is many things to many people, and with a city that’s as culturally diverse as ours it’s no wonder that people are flocking to her in their droves from all around the world to get a big ‘ol slice of the Torontonian pie. CONTINUE READING

Marketers: How do you stay on top of your game?


On June 5 in Toronto, one of the most renowned marketing conferences makes a pit stop at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The Art of Marketing is stopping here to impart the wisdom of thought leaders like Jonah Berger , Biz Stone , and Seth Godin , among others. CONTINUE READING

The City Of Toronto’s facebook newsfeed last week.


I’m not going to lie to you, a lot of s#*t went down in Toronto last week. Thankfully, we at 88 Creative got a peek into the City of Toronto’s facebook account to get a recap of  just what went down…


88 Creative Blue Jays

#LoveThisTeam – Blue Jays turning hashtags into campaigns.

After a series of offseason trades and free agent acquisitions, how could someone not get fired up and talk about their favourite baseball team on Twitter? CONTINUE READING

Feeding the Trolls: Analytics don’t care if you’re angry.

I have a pet peeve. No I shouldn’t say pet peeve because it’s not even mildly irritating. I have the blackest hate for blatant link-bait trolling efforts.