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Turn Off Your Filters

I have a bit of a reputation around the office for just blurting out ideas. Sometimes with a ton of thought involved, but mostly things just off the top of my head and hoo boy, are some of them ever dumb. But here’s something I’ve learned in my time in this industry, and stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but there’s no such thing as a dumb idea. CONTINUE READING

How To Break All The Rules and Still Be a Social Media Success

Most people would say Kanye West is living the dream. He is pursuing a successful career doing what he loves, he is engaged to be married to one of the most famous (or is it infamous?) women in the world, and he’s out there changing the world (according to him, of course). CONTINUE READING

Want to Be Photogenic Enough for Instagram? Start With Product Design

It’s that time of year again! Even though patio drinks and cottage weekends seem like they were just yesterday, the fact that it’s almost halfway through November means it’s officially the holiday season. CONTINUE READING

Kickstarter is coming to Canada: here’s how to not screw it up

kickstarter So, Kickstarter is launching in Canada September 9th, but potential entrepreneurs can get the jump start on creating their kickstarter campaigns now. This gives entrepreneurs and startups a massive platform to acquire initial funds and build an active community of evangelists really quickly.


#TOPolimovies as movie posters


So, last week people seemed to be having fun with the hashtag #TOPolimovies and as the curtain call on the Rob Ford saga comes to a close, we must administer our Coup-de-grace to the “crackstarter saga”.


Brace yourself, the spoilers are coming!


I get it.

Game of Thrones was amazing last night.  As it was last week, with all that blood and all that death… CONTINUE READING

I am a Tweeter, hear me Tweet!


Twitter is my favourite social media platform. I enjoy it solely because I can talk about whatever I want or update as often as I want without feeling annoying. Sometimes it gets a little irritating. Like last week , when we saw an increase in my two least favourite type of people: bandwagon jumpers and slacktivists: Those that tweet just to fit in with their Go Leafs Go and #prayforOklahoma tweets. CONTINUE READING

Twitter: a place of worship?


Churches, mosques, temples and Twitter.
What do they all have in common? It’s a place where people go to pray obviously.


The strange world of social media

I’m fairly active on social media – a major prerequisite to being a Social Media Coordinator, I suppose.


If social networks were The Avengers

I know that the latest instalment in the Marvel Avengers Universe releases this Friday, and as my coworkers can begrudgingly attest, I am a comic book nerd through and through. So naturally, you can probably deduce that I am beyond excited for Iron Man 3.