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My blog post was plagiarized. Here’s what happened when I spoke up

2013 has been quite a year for me, with lots of professional highs and lows.

The lowest point for me occurred back in May when I discovered that a blog post I had written had been plagiarized on the Spin Sucks blog. CONTINUE READING

Social Media “Experts” Obsolete? Get Real.

Earlier this week, Workopolis released results of a survey stating that in a decade, thanks to our own advancing technology and saturation, social media “experts” will be obsolete . Their reasoning? “Because everyone will be social media savvy by then.” Really? That’s it, that’s your best reasoning? By that logic, since I know how to drive a car I should go give the NASCAR circuit a spin.


Want to Be Photogenic Enough for Instagram? Start With Product Design

It’s that time of year again! Even though patio drinks and cottage weekends seem like they were just yesterday, the fact that it’s almost halfway through November means it’s officially the holiday season. CONTINUE READING

Kickstarter is coming to Canada: here’s how to not screw it up

kickstarter So, Kickstarter is launching in Canada September 9th, but potential entrepreneurs can get the jump start on creating their kickstarter campaigns now. This gives entrepreneurs and startups a massive platform to acquire initial funds and build an active community of evangelists really quickly.


Why social media is like golf

golf Since the weather has finally cleared up, I’ve had a lot of time to clear my head on the links. I’m by no means a great golfer, but it’s a fantastic place to clear your head. Or in my case, enrage yourself. Hey,  it happens.


Brace yourself, the spoilers are coming!


I get it.

Game of Thrones was amazing last night.  As it was last week, with all that blood and all that death… CONTINUE READING

A must have book for anyone who works in social media


Books about social media strategy and management are a dime a dozen these days, and there’s a lot of fluff written by self- proclaimed social media “gurus,” and “experts”. CONTINUE READING

I am a Tweeter, hear me Tweet!


Twitter is my favourite social media platform. I enjoy it solely because I can talk about whatever I want or update as often as I want without feeling annoying. Sometimes it gets a little irritating. Like last week , when we saw an increase in my two least favourite type of people: bandwagon jumpers and slacktivists: Those that tweet just to fit in with their Go Leafs Go and #prayforOklahoma tweets. CONTINUE READING

The City Of Toronto’s facebook newsfeed last week.


I’m not going to lie to you, a lot of s#*t went down in Toronto last week. Thankfully, we at 88 Creative got a peek into the City of Toronto’s facebook account to get a recap of  just what went down…


Twitter: a place of worship?


Churches, mosques, temples and Twitter.
What do they all have in common? It’s a place where people go to pray obviously.