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How To Break All The Rules and Still Be a Social Media Success

Most people would say Kanye West is living the dream. He is pursuing a successful career doing what he loves, he is engaged to be married to one of the most famous (or is it infamous?) women in the world, and he’s out there changing the world (according to him, of course). CONTINUE READING

Social Media “Experts” Obsolete? Get Real.

Earlier this week, Workopolis released results of a survey stating that in a decade, thanks to our own advancing technology and saturation, social media “experts” will be obsolete . Their reasoning? “Because everyone will be social media savvy by then.” Really? That’s it, that’s your best reasoning? By that logic, since I know how to drive a car I should go give the NASCAR circuit a spin.


What’s Happening in November + Giveaway

It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year again, but first we have to get through November. Luckily we have plenty of events lined up for the month to keep us busy.


Typography: bringing together art, marketing, and branding


I often find myself investigating new products when I’m out shopping. I’m a ‘tried, tested, and true’ type of gal, but sometimes something on a shelf will catch my eye and I can’t help but be drawn to it. I’ll be honest, even though I’m in the marketing industry I’m still susceptible to the Jedi mind tricks we play and some great packaging will always get me investigating a product a little further. CONTINUE READING

TICKET GIVEAWAY: The Art of Small Business

Now that summer’s over and you’ve put your bathing suit away for the year, it’s time for the fall event rush. As you fill your calendar in with events like AccelerateTO , mesh marketing , and Social Media Week, we have one conference aimed specifically at small business owners and entrepreneurs to add to the mix.


Kickstarter is coming to Canada: here’s how to not screw it up

kickstarter So, Kickstarter is launching in Canada September 9th, but potential entrepreneurs can get the jump start on creating their kickstarter campaigns now. This gives entrepreneurs and startups a massive platform to acquire initial funds and build an active community of evangelists really quickly.


A hello from 88 Creative’s new Managing Director


When I first joined the startup world in 2008 as a community manager at Sprouter social media was just emerging as a viable way to market your company. For a startup like ours, which had three employees and a tight marketing budget, tools like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress were really the only way (other than PR) to build a community around our brand for next to nothing. CONTINUE READING

Word of the day: skeuomorph


/ˈskjuːəmɔrf/ An element of design or structure that serves little or no purpose in the artifact fashioned from the new material but was essential to the object made from the original material. – Wikipedia CONTINUE READING

Brace yourself, the spoilers are coming!


I get it.

Game of Thrones was amazing last night.  As it was last week, with all that blood and all that death… CONTINUE READING

Coke wins in the end by encouraging people to buy less


The most obvious objective for any marketing campaign is to get people to buy more of whatever it is you’re selling. CONTINUE READING