Q&A with Erin Bury: The future of social media and marketing
Posted on May 7, 2013 by Danielle Faber
In the realm of marketing, social media is a new approach to reaching clients and customers. Erin Bury is one of the earliest adopters of social media as a marketing tactic, and for some insights into what has been working in our industry, I chose to go her.
Although she isn’t even 30 years old yet (she made Marketing Magazine’s top 30 under 30 in 2012), Erin can be called a veteran in this industry. She has worked with an array of organizations and companies, from TEDxToronto, and the Financial Post, to her professional work with Sprouter and Betakit. Her name is a staple within startup marketing circles. I asked her a few questions about the present and future of social media marketing practices.
In the current social media landscape, which network has the highest value for companies as a communication tool?
I think it always depends on the audience you’re trying to reach, but I’m a big fan of visual social networks like Instagram and Pinterest. If you’re a product-based company, whether food or clothing, or something that lends itself well to images, like a hotel or travel company, then you can create some really interesting campaigns. My friend Sunta Sem owns the jewelry company helloberry , and they’ve amassed over 15,000 followers on Instagram. It is consistently one of their best sources of leads.
What do you see as the most prominent emerging social network for companies?
In terms of emerging social networks, I love seeing what companies are doing with video on apps like Vine, and new video tools like Keek and Spreecast. Whether holding a live Q&A with their execs, or making funding announcements using Vine (like NYC-based company Sonar did) there are a lot of ways to market using video-based social networks, and I’m not talking about the stalwarts like YouTube and Vimeo.
Do you see social media maintaining its importance in the marketing world? How big can this industry grow?
I think social media was a big trend and a main focus for companies over the last few years – now I think companies are starting to realize that it’s just one piece of the marketing mix. Social media can be really effective in building an audience, but it needs to be combined with excellent customer service, traditional advertising and marketing like email newsletters and contests, and of course a great product so word of mouth can work its magic.
What is the best piece of advice you can give marketers that are trying to maximize the potential of social media for their company?
The best advice I have is to run a campaign by a few customers or friends before unleashing it into the world. I’ve seen so many companies get burned in the past few months, like Hyundai’s suicide commercial disaster . Whether it’s traditional advertising or a social media campaign, run it by people outside your company to make sure you’re not going to offend the masses. Because hell hath no fury like a social media follower scorned!
If you want more information about Erin, check out her website .
Danielle is a Social Media Coordinator at 88 Creative. Follow her on Twitter at @DFabes .
As always, interesting and informative