Danielle Faber | 88creative.ca

Why You Create Bad Content

Content creation is a huge part of digital marketing. We are constantly aiming to create compelling, informative content that people want to read while remaining relevant to the brands we represent. Great content is the cornerstone of a successful digital marketing strategy. It steers campaigns and creates a brand voice, and can even launch a brand into thought-leader status – the ultimate goal. But why do we see so much crappy content out there? CONTINUE READING

The Pros and Cons of Being Disconnected

Welcome back, readers! After a great holiday, we’re back to the races and working away once again. Some of us took a nice extended holiday break, namely me, and others took a few days off for a lovely staycation in the city, which was rudely interrupted by an ice storm followed by a deep freeze. CONTINUE READING

How To Break All The Rules and Still Be a Social Media Success

Most people would say Kanye West is living the dream. He is pursuing a successful career doing what he loves, he is engaged to be married to one of the most famous (or is it infamous?) women in the world, and he’s out there changing the world (according to him, of course). CONTINUE READING

Want to Be Photogenic Enough for Instagram? Start With Product Design

It’s that time of year again! Even though patio drinks and cottage weekends seem like they were just yesterday, the fact that it’s almost halfway through November means it’s officially the holiday season. CONTINUE READING

10 Companies Putting Canada on the Startup Map

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When I was first breaking into the digital marketing space, I did what many of us do and offered my services to companies pro-bono (yes, that’s the fancy term for interning). CONTINUE READING

Typography: bringing together art, marketing, and branding


I often find myself investigating new products when I’m out shopping. I’m a ‘tried, tested, and true’ type of gal, but sometimes something on a shelf will catch my eye and I can’t help but be drawn to it. I’ll be honest, even though I’m in the marketing industry I’m still susceptible to the Jedi mind tricks we play and some great packaging will always get me investigating a product a little further. CONTINUE READING

Social media 101: who’s the pro?


When I tell people that I am a social media coordinator, I usually get a puzzled look followed by the question that social media coordinators dread the most: “So…what do you do all day?” CONTINUE READING

Jay-Z and Samsung: Who won?

samsung The newest partnership between the tech giant Samsung and the gargantuan Jay-Z elicits just one question in my mind: Who won? Of course, both have lots to gain in this situation, but who is coming out on top? CONTINUE READING

Marketers: How do you stay on top of your game?


On June 5 in Toronto, one of the most renowned marketing conferences makes a pit stop at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The Art of Marketing is stopping here to impart the wisdom of thought leaders like Jonah Berger , Biz Stone , and Seth Godin , among others. CONTINUE READING

Apps for apes: How repurposing is taking over invention


One of the buzziest buzz words when talking about invention and innovation today is repurposing. As we know, it’s not a new phenomenon, but repurposing continues to get more and more creative. CONTINUE READING